Sunday, December 9, 2012

What's in a Name?

Twenty-one years ago today, I entered the world and was given the name Jessica Theresa Smith. I always thought my name rather common and unimpressive – my parents just happened to like the name Jessica, and Theresa was the name of a friend of Mom’s who died in a car accident before I was born. But when I discovered the meaning of my name, I knew that God had named me with a purpose. For my full name means "God sees a harvest worker."

God sees a harvest worker –that’s me. God saw me and chose me before the world began. He chose my ancestors, and planned that I would be born a Smith, "a (metal) worker," industrious and enterprising. Then He placed a call in the center of my being, Theresa, the "(summer) harvest," and from early in my life, made known to me His harvest field, the world of souls. And above all, He looked on me and said, "You are Mine." I am known as Jessica, "God sees," for this is the most important thing about me.

I see my name as a proof of my calling, a destiny to fulfill. Even before I knew what it meant, I was striving to live up to it, and now I’m beginning to understand who God made me to be – it’s all in my name! There are many ways I could carry out this great calling – will I labor in formerly unharvested corners of God’s fruitful field? Will I continue to glean where others have been, forging tools to extend beyond my reach? Wherever God takes me, I will forever be under His watchful eyes, the most glorious place anyone can be!

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches . . .
Proverbs 22:1

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