Friday, July 31, 2020

Living With Grace in Challenging Times

I live with a chronic illness. I don’t do well wearing a mask—trust me, I’ve tried. To be honest, I’m not scared of the virus, even though I fall into the category of “immunocompromised.” I’m as discouraged as anyone by the constantly changing mandates and the daily challenges of these crazy times. But even with a legitimate excuse not to, I still try to comply when necessary. Why?

Maybe our government is overreacting. Maybe our “rights” are being infringed. But the government has not instructed me to do anything wrong. Nor am I outright forbidden to do right, however difficult certain right things like ministry and church may have become. Friends, you are not being persecuted, and even if you were, Jesus would have you accept it with joy (see Matthew 5:10-12). May I remind you, God has instructed us to obey the authorities He has instituted (Romans 13:1-5). If the time comes when we must choose between human law and God’s law, I will certainly follow the higher authority (Acts 5:29), but that time is not now.

No human government has ever flawlessly fulfilled God’s intent, yet Scripture speaks multiple times, without qualifications, of submission to our human authorities. It certainly goes against the grain of our selfish and independent nature! Now is a good time to check your attitude against Titus 3:1-2. Are you submissive and obedient? Are you ready to do good? Do you avoid all slander and quarreling? Are you gentle and courteous? We may disagree with our circumstances, but God’s law stands no matter what we face (1 Peter 2:15-16 is quite applicable). Titus and 1 Peter are great books to give us a Christ-honoring perspective of our times—give them a read and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to practically live out your Christian witness in the midst of the current issues.

Remember, one of these days Jesus is coming back. Meanwhile, your testimony is more important than your freedoms. Don’t let your concern for your comforts, political opinions, or anything else damage the reputation of Christ. Live with grace, love your neighbor, honor God.