Saturday, June 29, 2013


I faced an unforeseen challenge a couple weeks ago -- a little thing that could have been a big discouragement at the time, but turned out to show God's ability to get things done just fine in spite of "inconveniences." When I brought her the news, a friend told me she was glad this problem had happened to me of all people, because "you won't worry about it." "No, it's just an opportunity for God to do something great," I said.

That got me thinking: do I really have a reputation for not worrying? I want to be known as someone who sees every challenge, great or small, as an opportunity for God to act. I can trust Him with little things, a day, a week, but I want to be just as steady in big things, a month, a year, a life. For is not God the Author who never needs a rewrite? The twists and turns He writes are the setup for a perfect payoff -- maybe a few pages away, but it's there!

Since you cannot do this very little thing,
why do you worry about the rest?
Luke 12:26

Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to Make Something Happen

Lack of discipline (i.e. laziness) is the plague of my life.  Unfinished projects haunt my steps, untended piles grow to formidable heaps of rubble, and unconquered habits wear into weary ruts.  Once things go on for like this for a while, it's easy to start thinking, It's gone this long, so what's another day . . . or week . . . ?  And before you know it, it's been a year . . . or two . . .

A few months ago, a friend shared something very profound with me: "If you do something, it will happen!"  What a novel concept.  Really, the cure for most of our ills is so simple we overlook it.  Surely it can't be that easy!  But it is.  If any long-neglected thing is ever going to happen, it just requires some concentrated effort in that direction.

I say concentrated effort -- not shuffling things around halfheartedly for five minutes, but actually doing, finishing.  Profitable action requires a vision for the end result, a goal, a plan . . . but ultimately, it still comes right down to simply doing it.  So take some hearty action, and see what happens!

He who knows the good he ought to do
and doesn't do it, sins.
James 4:17

Sunday, June 9, 2013

God of the Unseen

Yesterday, I was blessed to be part of a successful excursion to the Valley of the Giants, and had a beautiful day of enjoying God's creation and fellowship with His people.  High in the hills, we rested, explored, had conversations and contests, and took pleasure in simple things.  Being in such a place, nearly untouched by man's "improvements", one can see clearly how much care God puts into His works, and praise Him for them.  And just to get to this little haven, we drove through miles of forest that is surely as lovely, yet likely has never been explored by man, at least in this generation.  But still the river washes faithfully over smooth rocks, flowers bloom and trees stand strong, and birds sing, even if humans don't observe it.

If God made this earth for our enjoyment, what is the point of all the things that come and go on it without ever once being seen by man?  Is it all just filler?  I wouldn't say so.  God made this world with our pleasure in mind, yes, but even more than that, He made it for His own pleasure.  He enjoys the beauty of it even more than we do, because it's all of His making.  Creation, corrupted though it now is, is more faithful to declare Him than we often are.  The things unknown to us sing His praise, whether anyone else sees it or not.

What an example for us humans, who are so dependent on the affirmation of our fellows that we will hardly lift a finger to do a task that no one will give us credit for.  Can we learn be content to praise God just for the joy of it, just because it's what we were made to do?  If by sharing our praise with others we can fulfill our purpose, let us do so, but let us not be discontent to bless the Lord where only He will see -- it's all for Him anyway!  His pleasure is the ultimate reward.

The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.
Psalm 24:1

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Perfect Love

God, give me perfect love.  Rid me of selfish fear and prideful anger.  Fill me with Your heart for others.  Give me strength to sacrifice myself for others as You did for me.  Grant me love that is not rude and self-seeking,  impatient and envious.  Change my heart to an image of Yours.  Amen!