Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: The Year of Peace

For the past several years, I've attempted to define God's work in my life over the year with one word. It's been words like love, joy, service, and encouragement . . . this year it's clearly peace. As one of my dear girls at a Good News Club I teach once observed, "Peace is a part of joy." (Sometimes 7-year-olds can be quite profound!) I've certainly found that simple statement to be very true this year. Even though I've gone through some rough waters, I've come to understand God's peace more than I ever did before. Only when I realize that He is the only one I can fully depend on can I run to His arms for rest. And nothing brings joy like resting peacefully in Him!

And oh, I'm running to Your arms, I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world, forever reign!
Peace is impossible without complete trust in Jesus, the One who made peace through the blood of His cross (Colossians 1:20). He loved us enough to give His own perfect life to reconcile our souls to God, but He didn't stop there. All we need and more is provided freely for us -- what greater peace than to rest in the arms of a loving heavenly Father who knows what is best for His children? I could go on and on, but as always, God's precious Word says it best . . .

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3
Amen, and may God richly bless the new year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jesus Has Overcome!

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

It's Christmas.  Theoretically, the happiest day of the year.  Honestly, I've had happier days.  But the truth is, it doesn't really matter.  About two thousand years ago, God made a radical move -- He sent His Son, the Creator of all that is, to enter the world as a helpless baby, totally dependent on an ordinary teenage girl.  But He was to become not only Creator, but Overcomer of the world He made.  That infant would live through all the trials of humanity, and yet never once fail.  I can't even handle one trial without a mess!  He has every reason to write me off as hopeless, and without Him I am.  But He didn't.  Instead, He offers me His perfection in place of my sad efforts.  He has overcome for me!  Thank You, Jesus, for Your indescribable gift!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Recently, when I think of my life, the word “confidence” comes to mind. Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “the state of feeling sure; assurance; boldness.” What am I sure of, you ask? The answer is in a verse that has repeatedly come to my attention in the past couple weeks:

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28

We’ve heard it before, many times – just about every Christian has it memorized. But if we really believe it, it ought to produce complete assurance, reckless boldness! God is perfectly good, absolutely faithful, and totally in control. We should welcome trials just to see what God will do through them. It should be exciting to walk by faith!

I've seen God use my mistakes and struggles time and time again to grow me closer to Him, but only when I stop trying to do it on my own can I see that He knew exactly what He was doing all along. The key to seeing things work together for good is to love God and depend on Him – not wallow in self-focused misery over my failures, but go to my loving Father for help, expecting Him to act. And the more I see Him work, the more confident I become that He will work again, and again, and again . . .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Why I Write

So, why did I start a blog?  I'm not on Facebook, I can barely keep up with e-mails, I don't have texting on "my" phone . . . in short, I'm a bit behind the times.  But a few people have unknowingly encouraged me time and time again with their blogs, so I admittedly do benefit from some form of social media.  I decided it was time for me to contribute!

Having just started a new year of life, it seemed the perfect time to start a new aspect of life.  I'm not one of those who announces to the world everything I do, so the existence of this blog may be revealed rather slowly.  But my hope is that it will be a source of encouragement and challenge to all who will read my thoughts.

I wouldn't call myself a good writer -- it doesn't exactly come easy for me.  But strangely, I'm rather a compulsive writer -- I journal every day, write notes to everyone I know, and compose random theological essays (which will henceforth appear here).  I scribble in books.  I keep Post-its in my purse.  And now I blog.

I don't know quite how I became such an incessant writer . . . maybe I just like the feel of the pencil in my hand, or the muscle memory of typing.  A blank sheet of paper, actual or virtual, inspires me.  I write because I like to think.  Unlike the fine art of talking, I am free to take my time and take anything back if I need to.  No one else hears it until I'm completely satisfied with what I'm saying.  Ask my family -- I can't stand anyone looking over my shoulder at a work in progress!

I write to understand myself, to let out a little of my mysteriousness.  I write because writing lasts.  My notes will be there for people when I'm not, and as people discover my writings, they will discover something of me.  I write because God is a Writer, and I am made in His image.  There is perhaps no greater gift that I could give to those I love than a bit of my heart written out.  God has given us this very gift -- His heart in Book form.  Do we treasure it for what it is?

I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure!
Psalm 119:162

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Humble Heart

Lord, give me a humble heart.  May I always see my dependence on You.  May I have abundant joy in seeing You work through me.  Keep my eyes always on You, and You alone.  Your presence is all I need, You are all I have and all I have is Yours.  Keep me at rest in Your faithfulness.  Thank You for being perfectly in control.  All glory be Yours -- Amen!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What's in a Name?

Twenty-one years ago today, I entered the world and was given the name Jessica Theresa Smith. I always thought my name rather common and unimpressive – my parents just happened to like the name Jessica, and Theresa was the name of a friend of Mom’s who died in a car accident before I was born. But when I discovered the meaning of my name, I knew that God had named me with a purpose. For my full name means "God sees a harvest worker."

God sees a harvest worker –that’s me. God saw me and chose me before the world began. He chose my ancestors, and planned that I would be born a Smith, "a (metal) worker," industrious and enterprising. Then He placed a call in the center of my being, Theresa, the "(summer) harvest," and from early in my life, made known to me His harvest field, the world of souls. And above all, He looked on me and said, "You are Mine." I am known as Jessica, "God sees," for this is the most important thing about me.

I see my name as a proof of my calling, a destiny to fulfill. Even before I knew what it meant, I was striving to live up to it, and now I’m beginning to understand who God made me to be – it’s all in my name! There are many ways I could carry out this great calling – will I labor in formerly unharvested corners of God’s fruitful field? Will I continue to glean where others have been, forging tools to extend beyond my reach? Wherever God takes me, I will forever be under His watchful eyes, the most glorious place anyone can be!

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches . . .
Proverbs 22:1