Friday, August 30, 2013


A canoe trip is a great opportunity to study people's personalities -- I noticed a few things about mine while paddling down the Santiam and Willamette rivers last weekend.  I was in the steering position, and facilitated some impressive log dodging, I have to say, but my little ship seemed to do a fair share of zig-zagging, too.  If we drifted a bit too far to the right, I'd rudder deep, and we'd find ourselves headed left of center . . . and so on.  Granted, sometimes quick turns are necessary to save you from a nasty dunk in cold water, but swinging continually from one extreme to the other only takes more energy to cover the same distance.  It shows a lack of skill.

This observation was no surprise to me, because such action seems to be my habit in all of life.  Knowing I'm off course brings a strong reaction from me.  I head the other way, only to find that I'm still off course, just in a different direction.  Perhaps one way may be preferable for the present, but either will sooner or later have me running aground.  Only a straight and centered course, with turns where necessary, will get me to my destination most efficiently.  The best way of doing things can seem so evasive, but there is indeed a best way, God's perfect way.  It takes faithful practice and constant looking ahead to find it, but let us not just settle for floating along and wildly dodging the worst dangers!

Only be strong and very courageous, that you may
observe to do according to all the law
which Moses My servant commanded you;
do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left,
that you may prosper wherever you go.
Joshua 1:7

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Act, Speak, Think, Live

Be sober-minded and joyful-hearted
And heavenly-aimed in all you do;
Don't wait for later, this moment get started
To live out God's purpose and plan for you.

Speak only truth with loving intention
Give glory to God in all you say;
Have a right reason for what you mention
When you tell others the news of the day.

With every idea and recollection
Strive for purity in all you think;
Consider the end of your mind's direction
And if you would care to see it in ink.

Be thinking wisely and speaking rightly
And acting kindly in how you live
So you may be a light shining brightly
And know the rich blessing that God can give.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy,
That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!
Psalm 90:14

Oh, where would I be without God's mercy?  Every single time I fail, He is still there to pick me up.  Even when my many sins weigh me down and hold me back from approaching Him, He has covered the cost and forgotten them all.  He is passionately in love with me, even when I forget Him.  He reaches out to me and says, "You don't have to do anything -- I love you, and I want you back."  His infinite mercy for His beloved is such a relief for a broken, failing soul.  Here is joy, that He never fails to forgive!

Monday, August 5, 2013


My grandma died yesterday, after a three-year battle with bone cancer.  When I heard the news, I didn't cry; I hugged my dad, then I went to the piano and played "I Will Rise" by Chris Tomlin:

There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say, "It is well"
Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And I will rise
When He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise
On eagle's wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise
I will rise

There's a day that's drawing near
When the darkness breaks to light
And the shadows disappear
And my faith shall be my eyes
Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And I will rise . . .

And I hear the voice of many angels sing
"Worthy is the Lamb!"
And I hear the cry of every longing heart
"Worthy is the Lamb!"

I will rise . . .

What a glorious thing to look forward to: rising out of the bondage of this dim and dying world to find oneself at the feet of the Savior!  At last, my grandma is there rejoicing, done forever with suffering and worry.  I haven't cried yet, and though I'm sure I will, I still celebrate a soul's entry into our great hope.  Praise God!