Monday, September 30, 2013

Until He Comes Out

"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
Luke 19:10

Sitting outside, two friends waited.  Inside, another was blissfully unaware that he had been stalked for three days.  Stalked, I say, not with malicious intent, but sought out for the privilege of seeing his face and hearing his voice.  Somehow, he had unwittingly, forgetfully, evaded this meeting several times, leading his pursuers in search of him to places they would not otherwise have gone.  Now, all other possibilities exhausted, they were camped on his very doorstep, unwilling to give up this encounter they had set their minds on.  When at last he appeared, they fairly ran to meet him.  How little did he know what energy was spent on his behalf!

Outside the human heart, Jesus, the Friend of sinners, waits.  Shut inside, surrounded by the cares of life, the lost soul is unaware of His presence, perhaps choosing rather to believe that God is a stalker, only wanting to take him prisoner and rob him of the good life.  Too busy for Him, the soul has forgotten the times He has called.  But the Savior has gone to great lengths, even leaving His heavenly home to meet mankind in his own domain -- He will never give up what He has set out to redeem.  And when at last the heart is opened to Him, He will meet the one He has pursued without the slightest hesitation.  Wandering heart, though He may be a stranger to you now, He is seeking you!  Have you come out of your hiding in your self to see Him waiting there?

And, my praying friends, if our God refuses to give up on one who runs from Him, what excuse have we for doing so?  Let the ambassadors be as faithful and patient as the One who sends them!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

First Meeting of Old Friends

Last Friday was a monumental day for me – after more than seven years of being pen pals, I met one of my dearest friends face to face.  Though I'd never before been able to share with her the simplest things like a hug or a meal, our relationship had grown deep and solid through written words and phone calls across three time zones.  There was no need to get acquainted once we were actually together – we're old friends.

It seems to me that our relationship with Jesus may be something like this.  We’ve read His Word.  We’ve seen His artistry.  We’ve heard His voice.  And someday soon, we’ll see His face.  And when we do, we’ll know without a doubt that this is the Person we’ve loved for all these years.  No awkward first meeting, no wondering how to respond.  It will be a reunion of old friends, picking up with a new dimension of a relationship that we’ve been building for so long already.  He’ll show us everything He’s told us about, and we’ll understand what we’ve been trying to picture.  We’ll meet more of His friends, ones we’ve heard of and ones we haven’t, and we’ll love them all.  Life with Him will seem perfectly normal, since we already know Him.

This is why we invest in our relationship with Jesus on this earth – the better we know Him here and now, the better foundation our face-to-face relationship will have.  It's hard to get excited about meeting someone unfamiliar, but think how thrilling it will be to finally meet Him if you already have a strong bond!  It takes work to build – no relationship comes without effort, especially one with someone you've never seen in person.  But the joy of meeting our Savior will be affected by the depth of the friendship we've built before that moment comes.  Will you know Him as a mere acquaintance, or will He already be your best Friend?

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him . . .
1 Peter 1:8

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen years ago, I was riding home with my dad when he saw a garage sale.  Now, my dad can pick up some good stuff at garage sales -- he stopped at this one of course, and I stayed in the car while he hunted for a bargain.  He found one: a little-used Precious Moments Bible for a dime.  He hopped in and handed it to me, and as we drove off, I decided it was time . . . time to make Jesus my Savior, ask Him to forgive my sins.

I still have that Bible, near tatters now, and I still have my faith, no longer so simple, but richer for its years of practice.  It's been a long journey since that day, walking with Him and learning what it means to be His.  I have let Him down more times than I care to think, but He has been faithful every moment.  I have doubted, pouted, and complained, but never once have I regretted my childhood decision.  And I never will, for I know the Author of truth, my Father, my Friend, my Lover and my King!

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
 and you will be saved . . ."
Acts 16:31

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Wedding Announcement

So, the secret's out -- in case you hadn't heard, I'm getting married! We've been going together for a long while, actually, though we've just had a long-distance relationship so far. He's an amazing letter writer, though, way better than I am! He's working on our home, and often sends me pictures of what it's going to be like. We're so madly in love, it's beyond words! I've been working on my wedding dress ever since we got together, and I can't wait for the big day. He's coming to get me soon! And you're all invited to the wedding, of course.

When is it, and where, and who's the lucky guy? you ask. Well, I'm not exactly sure when, but He has a date in mind. Be ready! The wedding will be at His home. All right, have you guessed by now who my Man is? It's Jesus, of course!

Seriously, we who know Jesus are His Bride -- how much do we think about that amazing, absolutely romantic concept? He is the greatest Lover the universe has ever seen! Every verse of the Bible is His love letter, every blessing is a clue from Him to what our eternal home will be like. He's building a grand place for us, and our job is just to get ready, to be as beautiful for Him as we possibly can. He's ridiculously in love with us, and He's coming soon to take us home to be His forever! His wedding invitation, indeed, His proposal, is for all -- have you said yes?

"Let us rejoice and be glad
and give Him glory, for the marriage
of the Lamb has come, and
His wife has made herself ready."
 Revelation 19:7

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Week to Live

For all our "living in the moment," the thought of the future is never far from our minds -- almost everything we do is connected in some way to being richer or happier or more comfortable tomorrow, or next week, or next year, than we are today.  But what if you knew that you would leave behind all your saving and planning by the time a week was up? Most of our endeavors would immediately become pointless, because they look beyond the next seven days.  Now, having long-term vision and goals is very much a good thing, but let us not be so busy looking ahead that we would be sorry to see our time limited.  Is the profit of your life, your treasure in heaven, building up day after day, or are you banking everything on a great "someday" that you may never see?  Make today count as if it were the last Tuesday you have to influence your world!