Saturday, June 29, 2013


I faced an unforeseen challenge a couple weeks ago -- a little thing that could have been a big discouragement at the time, but turned out to show God's ability to get things done just fine in spite of "inconveniences." When I brought her the news, a friend told me she was glad this problem had happened to me of all people, because "you won't worry about it." "No, it's just an opportunity for God to do something great," I said.

That got me thinking: do I really have a reputation for not worrying? I want to be known as someone who sees every challenge, great or small, as an opportunity for God to act. I can trust Him with little things, a day, a week, but I want to be just as steady in big things, a month, a year, a life. For is not God the Author who never needs a rewrite? The twists and turns He writes are the setup for a perfect payoff -- maybe a few pages away, but it's there!

Since you cannot do this very little thing,
why do you worry about the rest?
Luke 12:26

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