Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to Make Something Happen

Lack of discipline (i.e. laziness) is the plague of my life.  Unfinished projects haunt my steps, untended piles grow to formidable heaps of rubble, and unconquered habits wear into weary ruts.  Once things go on for like this for a while, it's easy to start thinking, It's gone this long, so what's another day . . . or week . . . ?  And before you know it, it's been a year . . . or two . . .

A few months ago, a friend shared something very profound with me: "If you do something, it will happen!"  What a novel concept.  Really, the cure for most of our ills is so simple we overlook it.  Surely it can't be that easy!  But it is.  If any long-neglected thing is ever going to happen, it just requires some concentrated effort in that direction.

I say concentrated effort -- not shuffling things around halfheartedly for five minutes, but actually doing, finishing.  Profitable action requires a vision for the end result, a goal, a plan . . . but ultimately, it still comes right down to simply doing it.  So take some hearty action, and see what happens!

He who knows the good he ought to do
and doesn't do it, sins.
James 4:17

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