Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Incomprehensible Love

According to the World Population Clock, there are at the present moment over 7,632,846,000 human beings alive on this planet. The sheer number of souls created in God's image is utterly staggering, each one different from all the rest, full of purpose and potential. More incomprehensible still is the fact that God profoundly knows and loves all of them. I am acquainted with only a tiny sampling of humanity, and have a tough time loving even those I know the best!

What would it be like to love as God loves? Could we begin to understand the depth of it, even for a moment, for just one person? If we could, I'm certain it would break us. The best love I've ever been able to offer is so pitifully weak, fickle, and limited; a drop in the ocean compared to God's infinitely vast, everlastingly faithful, incredibly powerful love for His creatures. I can try to love a few people who happen to attract my affections in some way, but He by nature overflows with perfect love for even the most repulsive members of our race.

Just since I started this post, more unique individuals have started life on this earth than I may ever know in my lifetime, yet God's love has not spread thin. Try to comprehend this truth, and you will find it more than your mind can hold. This is our God, whose love defies all understanding!

I pray that you...may have power...to grasp
how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge.
Ephesians 3:17-19

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