O Lord,
Ruler of all nations,
You are sovereign over this day.
You saw the outcome of today’s election before the beginning of time.
You are the One who sets up kings and brings them low.
All powers on earth are subject to your power.
Whatever the result of today’s political race,
Your majesty will remain undiminished,
Your rule unhindered,
and Your glory uncontested.
Thank You that Your people’s hopes are secure in You.
We do not depend on a president,
a governor,
a representative,
a judge,
or any other elected official for our eternal safety.
Our trust is in the omnipotent Christ,
King of kings
and Lord of lords,
the One who has defeated Hell itself for our sake
and has promised us a place in His glorious kingdom.
Grant us wisdom as we cast our votes,
that we may honor You in fulfilling our duty
to the earthly nation where You have ordained that we should live.
Grant us grace to view each candidate and issue from Your perspective,
remembering Your heart for justice, mercy, truth, and love.
Grant us sensitivity to our fellow voters,
both those of our own party
and those who differ,
that we may not sin by degrading those who are made in Your image
for the sake of our own opinions.
If today’s election satisfies our wish for our nation,
Let us not gloat in pride,
but remind ourselves that every temporary institution of man, however great,
must one day become nothing, giving way to Your eternal kingdom.
If our wish for our nation is disappointed in this election,
Let us not respond in anger or fear,
but surrender ourselves to Your perfect will,
trusting in your watchful care over us and all that concerns us.
Whatever the outcome,
let us hold more tightly to our citizenship in Heaven,
and await more eagerly our returning Savior and King.