They're all over social media: short, inspirational phrases meant to be uplifting and to brighten your day a little as you're scrolling along. You read them, you smile, and then you move on. Contemporary Christian culture seems to have become just a little obsessed with positive slogans like, Pray really big! Believe even bigger! or God has to break you in order to build you. Those bright spots are helpful; we definitely could all use a little positivity sometimes. But is that all there is to it?
Most of these mini pep-talks are true, maybe even directly Biblical. But there's a subtle danger that we may settle for catchy slogans rather than Scripture, getting a spiritual pick-me-up from a statement that may be encouraging, but lacks real substance. In fact, a steady diet of these sweet treats without the real food of God's Word can put you at risk for hollow theology. No quick quote can give you the whole story, and might leave out an important qualifier that is essential to the point. Take the above example: yes, we all experience some kind of brokenness in life, and that is very often the most effective method God uses to conform us to the likeness His Son. But on the other hand, who's to say what God has to do in order to make you what He wants you to be? He might just as well do it some other way, and we certainly don't want to be unconsciously led to think that life without struggle is somehow unspiritual. There's another side to this story that we shouldn't miss.
Whether it's a Christian catchphrase, a popular new devotional book, or a powerful message from your pastor, don't swallow it without chewing first! Take the time to think carefully about the smallest thought bites you take in, and pair them with truth directly from God Himself. There's nothing more encouraging, and in the long run truly nourishing, than a good look at His precious Word.