Thousands of years before the Titanic sailed on her fateful voyage, a cocky king gave God another dare. At the dedication of his infamous monument, Nebuchadnezzar challenged three Hebrews who refused to bow to his pride, even on pain of a frightful death, "What god is there who can deliver you out of my hands?" Moments later, the condemned men walked unsinged out of the king's execution inferno, and Nebuchadnezzar had to admit before all the rulers of his empire that there was a God with the power to save, even from the might of the mightiest king on earth.
God often holds back when His awesome authority is questioned. But sometimes, He will answer a dare from prideful men with a spectacular, perhaps terrifying display of His greatness. To challenge the Almighty is a rather foolish thing to do, because He will always come out on top. Ultimately, no one can mock Him and get away with it. Consider His greatness and stand in awe!
For My own sake, for My own sake, I will do it;
For how should My name be profaned?
And I will not give My glory to another.
Isaiah 48:11