We generally tend to think of God as being outside of time,
yet He is very much inside time as well, working and waiting right along with
us. The eternal God has chosen to be
part of history, orchestrating a progression of events that must come in time,
one after another. He waited a hundred
years to give Abraham the promised son.
He waited four hundred years to bring His people out of Egypt. He waited seven hundred years from the time
of Isaiah’s prophecies to their fulfillment in Jesus. Jesus as a Man on earth waited thirty years to
begin His ministry. And He has waited
two thousand years and counting for His Father to give the word for Him to
return for His bride. How often do we
complain about waiting an hour, a week, a year, for the things we desire, when
God’s desires have taken centuries, even millennia to unfold? Yes, God understands waiting very well; His
patience is unmatched. But He was not
just killing time in the quiet decades – He was setting up, working quietly
towards the moment to be revealed. And
we are to be like Him, not idle until our dreams arrive, but ever faithful in
the things that may not be noticed until at last in the proper time they come
to fruition.
To everything
there is a season,
A time for every
purpose under Heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1