"Grace is not infinite." I instinctively recoiled at these heretical words, as I deemed them, yet on further consideration, I conceded that, depending on what kind of grace we're talking about, there may be truth in them. For me, as for most Christians, the word "grace" instantly brought to mind
saving grace, God's gift of salvation through Jesus, or, "God's Riches At Christ's Expense." But that definition leaves out far too much. Perhaps a better definition of grace would be "something good that you don't deserve." Saving grace definitely falls under that, but it is not the only kind of grace, nor is grace strictly limited to being expressed by God.
Another kind of grace is what I might call
general grace: the grace that all mankind receives, regardless of their relationship with God. Every living human being is sustained by God's hand. Air, light, food, water, DNA, an earth to live on . . . all of it is grace. God is in no way entitled to give us life or anything else, but He chooses to do so. Some will complain, "But so many people suffer for lack of those things -- God isn't fair." You're right, God isn't fair; He shouldn't give any of us anything at all since none of us deserve it. By definition, grace cannot be "withheld" since it isn't merited in the first place.
In context, the statement "grace is not infinite" actually referred specifically to yet another kind of grace, what I would term
special grace. This is the sort of grace we typically pray for, that extra help for particular needs. The shifting of circumstances, material abundance beyond our labor, unexplained strength of body or mind in a crucial moment . . . these are grace. Special grace is supernatural aid for a particular situation, and it rarely happens the same way twice. This is the sort of grace we most often try to "earn", forgetting that God is not impressed by our efforts to be deserving. True, He often gives rewards to His obedient children, but even these are grace, since we did nothing to earn the saving grace that originally brought us into His favor.
So then, is grace really infinite or not? In the case of saving grace, it is infinite in the sense that a child of God will never "fall from grace" once he is born into God's family. But saving grace is also unique in the sense that it must be asked for, in which case it may be said to be finite, though it is enough to cover all who come. How about general grace? Surely in this fallen world it cannot be infinite -- a quick glance over the ruins of sin will reveal many seemingly "God-forsaken" lands. Yet even in the middle of the Sahara life may be found. Though that might more likely fall under special grace! Special grace is easy to call finite: it is certainly not always available at our slightest wish. Still, is not God infinitely powerful?
In the end, it is in a sense true that grace is not infinite. But God is. Grace is not God. God
gives grace. Because it is part of His infinite nature, His supply of grace is endless, but the manifestation of it is carefully measured by His infinite knowledge and wisdom. Some of us act like we can wheedle grace out of God, but if we could, it would not be grace at all. Let us be thankful for the grace He chooses to give us, and strive to be like Him in giving grace to others!
Now to him who works, the wages are
not counted as grace but as debt.
Romans 4:4