And He said, "My Presence will go
with you, and I will give you rest."
Exodus 33:14
When Moses asked God for direction and proof of His grace, this was God's simple reply -- no answer to his urgent questions, just gentle, kind reassurance of His Presence. He didn't tell him where to go, or when, or with whom, only that when he went, God would be right there. I'm so often like Moses, arguing with God, "You have said, 'I know you by name and you have found grace in My sight.' . . . show me now your way . . . that I may find grace in Your sight." (Ex. 33:12-13) I know I belong to God, but I'm tempted to doubt His grace unless I know what He's doing, or I imagine that His grace depends on me knowing and doing what He wants.
I'm afraid we tend to see God as an Employer -- He's given us a job to do, and if we don't keep up He'll leave us behind. And half the time we're not even sure what the job is, let alone how to keep up, so we throw a fit at God, "Just hurry up and tell me what I'm supposed to do!" so we can get on with it and feel good about our performance, maybe even earn His praise. Pride and lack of trust, plain and simple. God's invitation is not a "Now Hiring" sign. He wants children and friends, not employees. Yes, our Heavenly Father may expect us to do some chores, but that's not His main purpose with us. Mostly, He just longs to be with us, starting now. Let's stop getting so worked up about work, and rest in His Presence!
"Father, I want those you have given Me
to be with Me where I am . . ."
John 17:24