In years past, I have sometimes had to think a good deal to
find a word that could sum up my life over the year, but almost from the start,
I knew that 2014 was to be the year of adventure. This has undoubtedly been the most adventure-packed
year of my life, as previous posts will evidence, and it’s almost hard to believe
that all of it actually happened in only one year. Webster’s Dictionary defines adventure as: “Risk
of which one has no direction . . . a bold undertaking, in which hazards are to
be encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen events.” My life this year has indeed been quite a
series of unforeseen events, and each has led me to greater boldness and
willingness to risk giving up my direction – meaning both my control and my aim. Adventures were laid in my path by God, but
it was my part to choose the bold undertaking and stake my security on His
direction. Had I chosen a risk-free, calculated
year of trying to accomplish my goals my way in my familiar comfort zone, I
would perhaps be at the end of it once again trying to figure out what exactly
changed in my life.
Instead, God took the modest list of goals that I might have
managed by my own hard work, and replaced it with a loftier one than I would
have dared imagine, only doable by His hand. I hardly recognize my old intentions, but once God takes you on some
adventures, it’s not so hard to aim a little higher. No doubt there are more hazards yet to be
encountered, but it’s so nice not to be the one directing things, I’ll gladly
stake my future on the Author of adventures. Above all, I believe that this adventuresome year has taught me to fear
less and trust more, if those common words are enough to describe the
satisfaction of setting out on another blissfully unforeseen chapter of God’s
adventure for me. As blessed as 2014 has
been, I welcome 2015 and all it has to hold with open arms. May it be glorious – amen!
“Have I not commanded
Be strong and
Do not be terrified;
do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your
will be with you
wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9