This observation was no surprise to me, because such action seems to be my habit in all of life. Knowing I'm off course brings a strong reaction from me. I head the other way, only to find that I'm still off course, just in a different direction. Perhaps one way may be preferable for the present, but either will sooner or later have me running aground. Only a straight and centered course, with turns where necessary, will get me to my destination most efficiently. The best way of doing things can seem so evasive, but there is indeed a best way, God's perfect way. It takes faithful practice and constant looking ahead to find it, but let us not just settle for floating along and wildly dodging the worst dangers!
Only be strong and very courageous, that you may
observe to do according
to all the law
which Moses My servant commanded you;
do not turn from
it to the right hand or to the left,
that you may prosper wherever you
Joshua 1:7