So, why did I start a blog? I'm not on Facebook, I can barely keep up with e-mails, I don't have texting on "my" phone . . . in short, I'm a bit behind the times. But a few people have unknowingly encouraged me time and time again with their blogs, so I admittedly do benefit from some form of social media. I decided it was time for me to contribute!
Having just started a new year of life, it seemed the perfect time to start a new aspect of life. I'm not one of those who announces to the world everything I do, so the existence of this blog may be revealed rather slowly. But my hope is that it will be a source of encouragement and challenge to all who will read my thoughts.
I wouldn't call myself a good writer -- it doesn't exactly come easy for me. But strangely, I'm rather a compulsive writer -- I journal every day, write notes to everyone I know, and compose random theological essays (which will henceforth appear here). I scribble in books. I keep Post-its in my purse. And now I blog.
I don't know quite how I became such an incessant writer . . . maybe I just like the feel of the pencil in my hand, or the muscle memory of typing. A blank sheet of paper, actual or virtual, inspires me. I write because I like to think. Unlike the fine art of talking, I am free to take my time and take anything back if I need to. No one else hears it until I'm completely satisfied with what I'm saying. Ask my family -- I can't stand anyone looking over my shoulder at a work in progress!
I write to understand myself, to let out a little of my mysteriousness. I write because writing
lasts. My notes will be there for people when I'm not, and as people discover my writings, they will discover something of me. I write because God is a Writer, and I am made in His image. There is perhaps no greater gift that I could give to those I love than a bit of my heart written out. God has given us this very gift -- His heart in Book form. Do we treasure it for what it is?
I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure!
Psalm 119:162